Tomorrow, during the ICRM annual business meeting, I will be announcing the ICRM will be donating $1,500 in Memory of Les Bossert, ICRM board member who passed away in September. Hope you are doing well during this crazy year! I wanted to let you know that this week the ICRM BOR approved a couple of donations to La ARMA Nostra. I am sharing the announcement I received from Paula Sutton, CRM, IGP, FAI – President of the ICRM, and La ARMA Nostra family member on December 3, 2020:

The La ARMA Nostra endowment fund will be receiving a contribution of up to $1,000 annually from the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM). Learn from others and pass on what you can to those willing to benefit from your knowledge and experiences. I encourage you to take a moment to visit Les Bossert’s Memorial Page. He will be missed by family, friends, and this profession. Les was a true professional with a kind, mentoring spirit, and a personal friend to me and so many of us. Les was an inaugural member of La ARMA Nostra.

He studied under the direction of Mark Langemo, CRM, FAI. Les received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree from the University of North Dakota, majoring in Business Management and Records & Information Management. Les Bossert, Corporate Records Manager for Montana Dakota Utilities (MDU), Bismarck, North Dakota where he was employed for 38 years, passed away unexpectedly on September 23, 2020. This year has been challenging for most all of us in a number of ways. De Laurentis, CRM,IGP, “The Godfather” of La ARMA Nostra, “This ARMA of Ours”